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Lastest Update: 2024.10.08

First author

* indicates equal contribution.

The Dawn of Video Generation: Preliminary Explorations with SORA-like Models. (Technical Report)
Project, Paper, Github
Ailing Zeng*, Yuhang Yang*, Weidong Chen, Wei Liu.

EgoChoir: Capturing 3D Human-Object Interaction Regions from Egocentric Views. (NeurIPS-2024)
Project, Paper, Code
Yuhang Yang, Wei Zhai, Chengfeng Wang, Chengjun Yu,Yang Cao, Zheng-Jun Zha.

LEMON: Learning 3D Human-Object Interaction Relation from 2D Images. (CVPR-2024)
Project, Paper, Code, bilibili
Yuhang Yang, Wei Zhai, Hongchen Luo, Yang Cao, Zheng-Jun Zha.

Grounding 3D Object Affordance from 2D Interactions in Images. (ICCV-2023)
Project, Paper, Code
Yuhang Yang, Wei Zhai, Hongchen Luo, Yang Cao, Jiebo Luo, Zheng-Jun Zha.


DisPose: Disentangling Pose Guidance for Controllable Human Image Animation. (ICLR-2025)
Project, Paper, Github
Hongxiang Li, Yaowei Li, Yuhang Yang, Junjie Cao, Zhihong Zhu, Xuxin Chen, Long Chen.